Tuesday, July 8, 2014

TLC VoxBox from Influenster

Influenster has given me the opportunity to try all these wonderful products for free! Included in the box is: Ivory, Avon Anew, Puffs, Neo to Go, Shell Fuel Rewards, and a Free Bryers Gelato coupon!
I have tried everything and love it! Ivory is classic and has so many uses. Avon is timeless and helps me look and feel timeless too! Neo to Go is great for me as a Mom to keep in my purse, as are the Puffs. You always need to have tissues with you for whatever reason. Shell Fuel rewards is good because who doesn't want to save money on gas? And the Bryerd Gelato... I tried Tiramasu and cab you say YUMMY!!! 
I will continue to use these products and would reccomend to others!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Potty update

Potty update for those following along... July 4 was Gianna's Indepedence from diapers Day! 
First day with underpants after a week of bare bottom training and we learned that she goes far less often with the underpants on. She had 3 successes and 2 accidents, and that was all! She stayed dry when we went out to the grocery store, and through her nap, and dinner time! A great day!

7/5- 1 accident all day! 5 success.
7/6: Too many distractions today, but more successes than accidents. 6 out of 10. She seems to be having a rough day for some reason... teeth?
7/7- So far we are 6 and 1 and we are only at naptime! The one this morning shouldn't even count b/c she did tell us, we just didn't realize until after, but in fairness I counted it anyway as a miss.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Giving it another "go"...

So we tried 3 day potty training around 19mos with very little success. This time we are at 25mos and doing it a little different. Instead of just one potty in each bathroom, we keep one in the main living room and one outside as well. we are doing "bare bottom" training first. Diapers, pull-ups, and cloth diaper like undies are too hard for her to pull down. We have not tried regular undies yet... Why spoil a good thing right now, right? She is on Day 2 and doing PHENOMINAL!

Day 1: I didn't track it, thinking it might just be a fluke, but experimented with keeping her bare bottomed all day since the afternoon before she was playing outside in the nude and got her potty and used it! We thought, "Hey, we might be onto something here! Maybe she needs to NOT have something to hold the waste when she goes to be motivated to find another place to put it, aka the potty!" So back to day 1, no technical data, but her accidents were few (maybe about 3?) and were really only half accidents (stopped mid stream and went to finish on potty). I want to say about 9 successes based on her sticker chart, so a 66% success rate (apx). Not too bad. She was covered in stickers, chocolate, and temporary tattoos for rewards!

Day 2: 7 successes, 2 accidents!!! (And the two accidents were only outside!) A 78% success rate! And she was/is doing it on her own, no prompting! She will stop and go, wipe, wash, and carry on with her day! I have been continuing to reward her greatly!

Looking forward to see how this pans out! Once she is mostly trained, we plan to introduce the regular undies again and work on that part of it. Will update later... FX that this is finally it!!

Day 3: Today we ended with 11 out of 15! 
Considering the 2 accidents were when we had friends over (too distracting still apparently), and 1 when we were outside (also distracting)...Not too bad! I had a feeling the company would be too much, but we gave it a shot anyway. Besides, we are potty training, not hermits!